Do you have a slow PC? Does your pc or laptop seem to take forever to load up? Our guess is it wasn’t always like that. Remember when you first purchased it? What a difference, and how disappointing now. Happily we can return your computer back to its original speed, enabling you to work or play faster. You WILL notice the difference and be delighted with the results!
Using specialist software, a keen eye and years of experience, we will optimise your computer for maximum speed without affecting your precious data or the way you work.
Many computer users are unaware of the fact that over time, a number of unwanted and unnecessary programmes will be loading in the background, using vital resources for no good reason. We often use the analogy of a car (the computer) stopping every few miles to pick up a passenger (a programme). For every passenger that is on-board, the car loses acceleration, top speed and general performance. The more passengers, the worse the performance. Too many passengers and the car can barely start.
We will either remove these offending programmes or stop them from loading at start-up, resulting in a pc that is much quicker to boot and easier to work with.
Your pc creates temporary files and puts them in designated directories. These files are not required but over time, can build up to epic proportions and provide an ideal place for some spyware and malware programmes to hide out. Once again, we will clear all these directories, giving you more free space on your hard drive and deleting any harmful programmes that have made a home there.
Our thorough scans will detect and eliminate any remaining spyware, malware and viruses infecting your computer.
One of our final tasks is to defragment the hard drive. It’s an important part of regular computer maintenance that is often overlooked. Again, we use a useful analogy: imagine your computer is a row of encyclopedias on a shelf. Every time you need to access some information, a book is identified, taken down, used, and then put on the floor.
After a while, all the books are on the floor and it takes far longer to find the information you’re looking for (a slow PC). Defragmentation puts all those books back on the shelf, in the correct order. Data is, once more, quick and easy to find, resulting in a faster PC.
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